Tuesday 14 February 2012

Welcome Home Mike

Mon, Taiten, and I went down to Phitsanulok to pick up Mike today.  We headed out early so that we could stop at Wat Phra Si Rattana Mahathat.  First they chanted outside holding a flower and sticks which they light until they start to smoke.  The smoke is to represent good luck for when they die and are reincarnated.  All of this is asking for good luck.  After that we went inside, which was absolutely beautiful, were they kneel in front of a big buddha and chant some more.  Again wishing for good luck for their family and them.  After this they go over to see a monk who chants to them and then sprays them with water.  Again all for good luck.  A lot of chanting and good luck going on in Wat's :P

So we picked Mike up at the airport and drove back home.  I drove both ways since Mon doesn't like driving long distances, and Mike was too tired.  On the way to the airport I encountered a suicidal dog.  It watched and waited for me to get closer before running in front of the vehicle.  Since I saw it watching me before hand I had already predicted what it might do.  Being one step ahead, I managed to just miss it.  Thank godness all the signs in Thailand are also in english.  On the way back home everyone fell asleep.   

After Mike caught up on a few hours of sleep we went to pick Bow up from school.  Then being the romantic person that  Mike is he took us out for pizza for Valentines day, after which we did some shopping.  Mike bought Taiten pool toys, Bow a Lilo & Stitch cake (for the whole family to eat), and planned to go with Mon and get a massage.  Unfortunately by the time they got a chance to leave the place had closed.  If it wasn't for the two puppies getting into a fight they might have been able to make it. 
Even the animals welcomed home Mike.  Right when we got back we found out from Sa that Suka had bit Lucky's tail and later on in the evening the two puppies got into a huge fight.  It took both Sa and I to get the dogs apart.  They were really pissed at each other.  We thing since Wrinkles got bitten by that snake a while ago that he wasn't feeling well and got pissed off at his brother while they were play fighting.  It took a while till we could let the two of them be around each other without wanting to duke it out but eventually they were good again.  

Welcome home Mike! :)

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