Saturday 4 February 2012

Thai's Perception of Beauty

Why is it that after a storm there is always sunshine?  Its like mother nature is laughing in your face saying "Time to clean up, sucker!"  The clean up effort was in full swing today.  The main priority was the pool.  Equipped with fishing nets Bow, Sa's dad, and I went for a swim.  This swim of ours lasted half the day, and we were only somewhat satisfied with the end results of our effort.
So to get on with the true meaning of this blog..
What do Thai's consider beautiful?  A female wishes to be as thin as possible, with big eyes, and as white as possible.  Basically, not Asian.  For men you could be old, fat, and ugly, but if your white you are still most likely to be called handsome.  Thai's especially women go through great lengths to try achieve the goal of pasty white skin.  Besides baby powder, which also helps keep the skin cool, there is a vast variety of whitening skin creams.    
Mama brings a new meaning to white and nerdy! :)
Thai's just don't go as far as purchasing whitening creams to achieve that sheet-white skin, but will cover themselves head to toe in clothes while working outside in the fields all day.  It may be +30 degrees out but you will see them wearing sweaters, pants, gloves, and ski masks, only leaving a slit for their eyes.  The extent that people will go through to try reach the perception of "Beauty!"  But what is the true definition of beauty?  The dictionary defines it as; "The quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind."  But the truth is there is no true definition of beauty.  I believe a smile is a persons most beautiful attribute.  We, as members of society, are so caught up in trying to perfect our looks we forget to recognize the beautiful things we do have.  I myself, being human, can look in the mirror and list a thousand things that I would like to change about my body.  Instead of concentrating on my imperfections, which make me ME, I focus on my favourable attributes, like being a Ginger. :)  
When we where in Phitsanulok Mon's friend Nan asked me if I heard everyone calling me soo-ay, which means beautiful.  Not only am I considered beautiful because I have white skin but because I have such an unique hair color.  A hair color that is also considered unique back home. :)  It's weird to have all this "awe" attention when back home I am considered somewhat normal.  It's an ego boost, and I even might miss all the attention when I go back home.  Who could blame me though.  Who doesn't like to be called beautiful!  :)
    Speaking of beautiful, Sa looked extra Soo-ay today.  She attended a party that her school was hosting for all the students.  
So before you consider going through great lengths to change your bodies appearance, such as skin color, consider that there is someone, even if they are half way around the world, that wishes they looked like you.  Everyone is beautiful!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Its probably a good thing that Momma can't read English or she wouldn't be liking you anymore, lol!!! Sa is absolutely gorgeous. Its whats on the inside that counts and you are so right that everyone is beautiful.
