Just moments after arriving I got to see the slaughtering and preparation of rats. Yes they are to eat. After peeling off the fur, the head and legs get chopped off. It is then ready to cook after all the insides have been cleared away. Disgusting right? But wait! It gets better. Lunch was served with pig intestines and a heart. Yummy! No wonder Fear Factor is an American show. Thai people would dominate when it came to the food challenges. Eating crickets, frogs, and cockroaches is like dessert to them. No joke!

So now that I have appealed to everyones appetite the rest of the day was spent working. You should have seen these guys take this house down by hand. They had no bulldozer or fancy tools. Piece by piece they disassembled the place. Members of the family had come from another village to help out with the work in exchange for a hearty meal afterwards. (That was my attempt at a joke since they literally ate a heart) By two o'clock an empty lot was all that was left, and a small shack was built for the family to stay in until the rebuilding was complete.

I also love the elders at the village. They are so adorable and very welcoming. They are so eager to have my company and practically force me to sit with them. :)
I love going to the village and wish I got to do it more often. I have been stuck at the house again while they go visit since someone is needed to stay home while the guys work on the pool roof. Its unfortunate cause it does get very lonely. I have somewhat been making use of the time I am alone by doing homework, watching youtube videos, and have even been training the dogs. I'm hoping that Mon and Bow will become more confident speaking english as time passes so that way they will be more willing to talk to me. I'm here to teach english and am frustrated that I'm not able to do that when I don't get to see them all day.
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