Friday 24 February 2012

Made A Friend :D

The last two days I have picked up Bow and taken her to Taekwondo all by myself.  And both times have come back alive.  Before you start to applauded me, let me continue on with my blog.
Right next to Bow's Taekwondo class there is a little cafe called "about coffee."  Mike and I stopped there after we had visited the Ancient Ruins.  The owner of the cafe knew english very well!  So today when I went to take Bow to Taekwondo I decided to stop in and visit.  We talked for a good half an hour.  I learned that she had gone to school in Bangkok and had worked at a car dealership before coming to Kamphang phet and opening up her cafe.  She told me that she had made friends with one of the exchange students last year who was from Canadian.  I asked her where in Canadian she was from, to which she replied Vancouver.  Her name is Noppakao but her nickname is Dao. (Something i can actually pronounce)  Everyone down here has a nickaname.  I think its so when foreigners come down to visit they can call them by something.  An example is Bow.  Her real name is Nusara but family and friends use her nickname.  Before Dao left she gave me her business card and told me to come back and visit any time.
Tomorrow is Sa's wedding which I'm very excited about.  Not many foreigners get the opportunity to see a traditional thai wedding when they come to visit.  To my inconvenience I learned that we have to          be up at four oclock tomorrow morning which is apparently usual down here.  Bow says she will help waking me up though by jumping on my bed.  Wish me luck!!
P.S. Now you can applauded me :)

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