Tuesday 28 February 2012

Fisher (to the right)
They say bad things happen in three's.  While thats sure as hell hope so cause I don't know how much more this family can take.   In the last week Dao's mom, Lucky, and now Fisher (one of the puppies) have all passed away.  This morning when I woke up Mon told me that Fisher had been run over.  "The inside of my heart hurts," Mon told me.  Mon's brother is still in the hospital and had his second surgery yesterday.
So for those of you folks who are living in Williams Lake I hope things will get better for you as well.  For those of you who don't live in Williams Lake I will fill you in.  A few weeks ago Columneetza high school had a bomb threat just as their dance was starting.  A week or so after that they had another bomb threat on 7/11.  Then just a few days ago one of the hotels caught on fire and two days after that the pool had a toxic chlorine leak during their swim meet.  Seventy people were sent to the hospital.
Where is Buddha's good luck when you need it?

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