Thursday 9 February 2012

Driving a Scooter

So the last few days I have been picking up Bow with Sa on the scooters.  I'm not going to rate my performance but lets just say we have had a few good laughs, and I bet every other citizen has as well.  The first time I went out with Sa I almost ran into a car mirror, some kind of pole, and another rider.  I'm not very good at stopping and starting again, hence why I almost hit a car mirror and haven't yet figured out how to move around corners gracefully.

The little kid at 11 seconds.  Thats what I look like on a scooter, without the crashing part.

I also had some jerk cut me off which caused me to swerve almost hitting another person.  Cutting people off is like a national sport down here!  If it was they would score it on a point system depending on how many people you cut off and those that cut you off.    

This would be my score sheet;
Score Card for Sharyse Wilson
Cut people off:  3 (maybe a few more)  
Been cut off:  To many times to count!!

As you can see from my score card     Thailand 1: Sharyse 0.

P.S.  Just so everyone knows the people I have cut off are due to people cutting me off.  
So technically not my fault!  But since I'm white if any kind of accident did happen I would automatically be at fault.  This would still be true even if there was proof showing my innocence.  Their reasoning is that it wouldn't have happened if you weren't in their country.   

I also misread one of Sa's signals.  I thought that Sa forgot to turn her signal off from earlier, so when the light turned green I went to go straight while she turned right.  I caught myself at the last minute thankfully.  When I pulled up beside Sa at the next stop light she just looked at me, shook her head, and laughed.  When she got home the first thing she did was found Mon and told her about my hilarious driving.
This is what traffic looks like!

Sa seems to take me on the most difficult routes every.  Most of the roads we take are jam packed with traffic, shared by cars, trucks, and scooters.  Any available space will be occupied or will be used to push forward to the front of the line.  After we dropped Bow off at Taekwondo  she took me down to the river, I believe for her own amusement, where I had to try make my way through sand.  She has been putting me through the paces, which is a good way for me to learn, and good humour as well.  I think the only reason she agrees to let me come along is for a good chuckle. :)      

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