Thursday 16 February 2012

Ancient Ruins

So I forgot to mention in my last blog that Mike showed Taiten how much he loved being back home by accidentally hitting him with the car door.  He just got back and he was already beating the kids up.  :P
Today Mike and I picked up Bow from school and took her to Taekwondo, since Mon went to the village.  Once we had dropped her off at Taekwondo we had an hour and a half to spare, so we went to the Ancient Ruins.  We got in for free since the guy didn't understand what Mike was saying, which was a bonus.  We spent the afternoon there until we had to go pick up Bow.  It was so nice and relaxing.  The only other people at the park were joggers and the occasional biker.  The park is absolutely huge.  You could spend a whole day there looking at all the temples and wat's that used to be intact.
The park is really close to Bow's Taekwondo class so if I need something to do I can always go there no problem.  At about six twenty we went to a little cafe place right beside her class to get a drink.  The place was so cute and quaint and the girl spoke very good english.     
So I don't know what is with me and bugs lately but they sure don't like me.  Tons of them committed suicide on my face during the scooter ride today.  Thankfully I had my mouth closed the whole time or I might have swallowed a few of them.  Yesterday I felt something crawling up my shirt and thought it was a spider.  Found out it was a perverted fly!  No respect these days I tell ya. 

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