Tuesday 31 January 2012

The Next Julia Child?

Out of all the things in life the one thing I fear the most is cooking.
For two reasons;  1. I usually hate it and 2.  Nothing I make ever seems to turn out.
The only time that I enjoy cooking is when I'm listening to music or have a cooking partner.  Since my cooking partner Cole is not here I had to resort to music.  So if any male is reading this and contemplating marrying me, I'm giving you a fair warning that all cooking duties would be shared!!! :P
So feeling extra brave today I decided to test my luck and try cook dinner for the family.  And when I say family I mean Mon, Bow, Taiten, Sa, her parents, momma, and me.  I made dumplings filled with carrots, celery, corn,onion, peas, chicken, and mushroom soup.

I also made campfire styled potatoes made with onions, pepper, parsley, and cheddar cheese.  When they got home I showed them the surprise.  I was just expecting them to try it, but was flabbergasted when everyone came back for seconds.  "Aroi! Aroi!" they kept saying, which means delicious, while smiling and giving me the thumbs up.  And for a late night snack I made everyone popcorn.
If I didn't have their approval before I sure do now! :)

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo!! I knew you could do it. Now that you have proven to yourself that you can do it and everyone has enjoyed both this and your spring rolls, you should make dinner more often. It looks delicious. How did you cook the dumplings after you had wrapped them?
