Wednesday 18 January 2012

The Village

Today when Mon asked me if I wanted to go to the village I hesitated.  Not going to lie, it can get boring sitting with a bunch of people, who you have no idea what they are saying.  But I came to the conclusion I should go, and I'm glad I did.  (I took a book and my Iphone just in case)
At the village family and friends came together to talk with the priest about the marrying of Sa and her boyfriend.  At first I sat outside and watched, letting them do the formal business.  As the food was being brought out Sa's boyfriend came and got me, demanding I come and sit with them.  His argument for not letting me say no, "You are my friend!"
At first I was rather uncomfortable.  If you notice in the picture ^ I'm the only female sitting in the circle.  The women sat off to the side and catered to the men as they ate, only eating after the men were done.  I was going to move until I was instructed to eat by one of Sa's boyfriend's friends (two to the right of me in the picture above)  I ate a few things but was afraid to touch a lot since it was traditional thai food, meaning foreign and spicy.  Sa's boyfriend's friend was actually pretty good at speaking english and tried to include me as much as possible.  After the men had left it was the ladies turn.
The evening was very pleasant.  I didn't understand a lot of the conversation but I was told a lot was circulated around me.  Everyone was very kind and welcoming to me.  Most people talked to me even though I had no idea what they where saying!  I was even cheered and laughed at (in praise) when I spoke Thai.  You would have thought my name was   สวย   which means beautiful, since thats what people keep referring to me as.  I feel like part of the family and I'm excited for my next visit! :)

P.S.  Didn't even need to pull out the book or Iphone

1 comment:

  1. That is sooo cool!!! I'm glad that you went, what an great experience and something that you will always remember. See maybe they were saying kind things about you at the soccer game.
