Tuesday 17 January 2012

Serene Surroundings

This evening after dropping Bow off at Taekwondo Mon, Taiten, and I went to the river.  While Mon got a massage, Taiten glued to her side, I went and found a nice quiet spot to read.  It was so peaceful and serene sitting under palm trees, soaking my feet, and watching the sun set.  Taitan finally detached from Mon's side and came to visit me.  We decided to go get ice cream and walk along the river side feeding the fish as we went.  Not with our ice cream of course but with fish food we purchased.  I definitely will visit the river again to enjoy the sunsets and its relaxing nature.


  1. Now that sounds like a perfect ending to a day. I love the sunset picture.

  2. Surprising as it may be I actually took both those photos with my Iphone.

    1. So lovely Sharyse. cells have great cameras today. You are having some amazing experiences. So wonderful. Love, Auntie Joyce xox
