Friday 13 January 2012

Being the Only Glass of Milk Surrounded by Oreos

Today we went to the Village to clean out Mamma's place for the wedding.  Yup.. Thats right.  A wedding!  So let me back track a moment here. Sa, who is Mon's niece, and her boyfriend have decided to tie the knot at the end of February.  Which means I get to see a Thai wedding while I'm here!
After a couple hours of cleaning we went to watch the soccer games that were happening a block away.  The second game we watched actually included some professional Thai soccer players.
My pastiness  

The professional soccer players sure got a lot of buzz, but I was giving them a run for their money!  I was the only white person there and I mean literally!  I was very uncomfortable with the amount of attention that I received.  In Thailand they are not at all subtle about staring.  It's not only children but adults as well.  I had people point, laugh, and whisper about me.  I had kids stop right in front of me practically blocking my vision.  And they would remain there for a good thirty seconds to a minute.  I even had people informing others of my presence resulting in even more stares!  After the game while we were walking back to Mamma's place and I had a women shouting to everyone about me.  She was pointing and laughing while getting everyone else's attention.  I have never felt so uncomfortable and downgraded in my life.  I have to say it was hard to have that kinda attention all day but I continued to hold my head up high and have confidence in myself.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear you felt so uncomfortable today Sharyse, next time imagine you are a celebrity and the Thai are in awe of your Canadian beauty! Remember it's in uncomfortable situations that we grow and become stronger! Keep your head high and keep the posts coming, it's great to hear what my brother and his family are up to through your eyes!
