Saturday 28 January 2012

One Month

January 28th marks exactly one month of me being away from home.  Time is sure going by fast!!  I have seen, experienced, and enjoyed so many incredible things already.  I am so grateful for those who have generously welcomed me into their homes, culture, and family.  I am amazed at the culture and how vastly different it is from the one which I grew up with.  Thats what I enjoy so immensely about traveling.  Being about to experience first hand this completely different society.  If I could travel all my life I would!  The difference between living in a foreign country and vacationing in one is how much richer of an experience you get.

 I am proud to say that I have been able to travel to 3 of the 5 continents all before the age of nineteen.  I have an amazing family who supports and encourages my decision to go galavanting all over the world.  I also have a wonderful and diverse group of friends who both despise and love me all at the same time.  (Well at least I hope they love me :P)  I love being able to show and tell everyone about all the amazing experiences that I've been so fortunate to have had.  I love waking up in the morning wondering what new and exciting adventure I will have.  It doesn't feel like I have been away for a month at all and I'm no where near ready to come home yet!! :)    

1 comment:

  1. Lovely thoughts honey and so glad you are having such a great ... albeit lonely sometimes ... time. What an education and amazing experiences you are having. Most people only get to see the touristy stuff but you're right there in the middle experiencing 'real' life. It especially great that you're writing this journal. I signed up for Google Connect but haven't been receiving. Think I've got it covered now! Keep writing kiddo and know you're in our thoughts. Aunty Joyce and Uncle Bob xoxox
