Thursday 19 January 2012

Strangers in the Pool

Unknown Bug
For those of you who are braving the -40 degree weather, I feel for ya.  I have traded in the -40 for +30, snow for swimming pool, and dull skies for ones only filled with sun.  Today was a pretty relaxing day but living in a foreign country never has dull moments.  No I don't mean watching the cat attack the broom or helping Mon and Sa pick ticks off the dogs.  I mean stumbling across creepy crawlers and gigantic frogs.  While Mon was cleaning the pool this morning she stumbled upon this guy  ^ which looks like it could be related to scorpions.  When she got home from picking Bow up from taekwondo she found a frog in the pool just hanging out.  Mon grabbed a bucket and fished it out but it managed to escape.  The frog had jumped out of the bucket but Mon didn't want to touch it.  As I picked it up she went to grad something to cover the container but the toad knocked that off without us holding it down.  Mon was to freaked out to take the container so she asked me if I would drop the frog off as far away as possible.      
Palong Frog

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