Saturday 28 January 2012


Taiten has been very sick lately.  This started about a week ago in Pitsanulok when Taiten got a cold.  During the time that he has been sick he has hardly eaten anything.  Yesterday Taiten told us that he had a really sore stomach, which Mon believed to be from the lack of food.  We tried to talk him into eating, to see if that would help, but he refused to eat anything except a pomegranate and a piece of bread.  A few days ago Mon wanted to take him to see the doctor but Taiten wouldn't go.  He is a very stubborn child when he wants to be.    

Today Mon told me that Taiten was up all night sick to his stomach and she wanted to take him to the hospital with or without Taiten's blessing.  We went to go see his doctor but Mon forgot that he was away for the next two weeks.  Next she went to take him to another clinic but they didn't open for another hour.  She was planning on going back but just then Taiten started getting sick to his stomach again.  We decided it would be best to take him to the hospital.  There they told us that he would need to stay over night so that they could monitor his condition.  They took some blood to test and have him hooked up to an IV.  Mon is going to stay over night with him at the Hospital while I stay home with Bow.  We are hoping for a fast and speedy recovery.    

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