Friday 6 January 2012

Family Initiation

All families somehow have the obligation to make fun or play pranks on one another.  This may be once during their lifetime or everyday.  Bow was the first one to welcome me into the family with a joke.  She walked into the kitchen with a container of peanuts and told me to try one.  They happened to be wasabi coated peanuts.  Holy tits those things are spicy! :P

While we were out eating at a restaurant in Chiang Mai, Mike told me to try a piece of this dark meat.  I took a small bite and instantly hated the texture and taste.  As I was struggling to swallow the damn thing Mike says "So what do you think of coagulated blood?"  They all sure got a good chuckle out of that one.

As we were driving back from Chiang Mai heading towards the Dam in Tak, Mike pulled over to the side of the road and said "Ok Sharyse.  Time to see how you drive!"  About two minutes in we hit a police road block.  I got lucky and was waved through.  Then another thirty minutes in I hit another friggen road block!!!  I was again super lucky and got waved through but both times Mon had a 100 baht ready to try talk the police officer out of a ticket if needed.  I was scared shitless and all the family could do was laugh.  But of course while Mike was driving to Chiang Mai and back from the Dam he didn't hit a single road block!

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