Monday 23 January 2012

Ordainment Ceremony of a Monk

This weekend we headed out to Pichit for a monk ordainment ceremony for a family member.  Before heading out I noticed that Suka's (the family dog) nose was bleeding.  Suka and the next door neighbours dog had a fight and Suka got the crap beat out of him.  The bottom part of Suka's nose is entirely missing.   Mon asked me to drive the hour and a half to Phitsanulok which I was more than happy to do.  It was the nine of us (a few joined us from the village) in one vehicle, which was a bit squishy even with a few in the back of the truck.  I did pretty good for a white girl with all those crazy Thai drivers.  We showed up at the venue just as things where getting into full swing.  That was until it started pissing down pebbles.The whole venue completely flooded forcing everyone to cram onto a small raised section of cement. 

Tables were set up and food was brought out for everyone.  It was incredible how much food there was this weekend.  There had to be about 100 people and we were fed dinner for two nights, and breakfast and lunch for one. After the feast it was time to shave the soon-to-be-monk's hair.  He first starts off by doing a little chant and pouring water on the elders hands and feet.  After each member of the family cuts off a piece of hair they begin to shave the rest.  They shave any facial hair even the eyebrows!  Like every good family gathering one member of the family has to come to the celebration drunk. 
 Mon, Bow, and I took off shortly afterwards to go meet up with Mon's best friend Nan and her husband Gus. We will be spending the night with them while the rest of the group will be spending the night with other family members.  They currently live in Australia with their two daughters but have a house in Thailand so that during the holidays Nan can come back and visit her family.  We spent the rest of the evening at the market and relaxing at Nan and Gus's place.  
The market literally has everything that you can possibly eat.  There are rows and rows of tables filled with everything from fruit and vegetables to chicken and pork.  There is even chicken and pig intestines, crickets, and frogs all ready to be purchased.
The next morning was rather early, actually way to early.  We had to be up and ready to go to the venue at seven thirty the next morning.  Once there we ate breakfast which was accompanied with a bottle of whisky.  People were already drunk at that time and the morning was still young.  Apparently the party had started at three o'clock that morning.

One o'clock rolled around which meant it was time to head to the temple.  Mostly the intoxicated people danced or walked all the way to the temple following behind the traveling band and the monk.  The others, mostly those who were sober, drove to the temple ahead of the others.  After an hour or so waiting they all finally showed up.  Next everyone walked around the temple three times.  This took about thirty minutes even though it wasn't a very big area to walk around.  I had people take pictures with me and tried to get me to dance with them.  I even had someone ask me for my number which was received with a flat out "NO!"
Once everyone had finished walking around the temple the monk threw flowers into the crowd which contained money and are for good luck.  Then two of the elder monks came and took him and his family inside the temple to do their ritual and dress the monk in his new clothes.  He will go home for one more night to spend with his family before going back to the temple where he will stay during the duration of his time as a monk.  

Money is given to the monk for good luck for the giver and their family.  We then went back to the venue where we yet again had more food.  We decided to stay another two nights in Pichit to spend with the family.  Mon grew up here and only gets to visit with Nan and her family one month a year.  

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