Sunday 29 January 2012


An update on Taiten.  The doctor wants him to stay in the hospital for another night since the color in his face hasn't improved.  He is on his fifth IV now and is no longer getting sick to his stomach.
So out of all the things that I knew I would have to face when I came to Thailand, such as the different food, culture, and weather I never considered lack of human contact.  I never thought I would say this, but I'm craving for human interaction.  For the last few weeks I have been by myself most of the time.  Mon and Taiten have been going to the village leaving me behind, scared that I will be bored there.  They usually don't get back home until eight o'clock at night after they pick Bow up from taekwondo.  Sa usually comes home from school in between classes but always goes straight to her room, only coming out to eat.  When someone is home and not with closed within their room I make a point to hunt them down and try strike up a conversation.  Most times the conversation is just me talking but it just feels good to have someone to sit with.  I eat almost all my meals alone which I'm not used to, but whenever I can I try to eat with the family.  Don't get me wrong I love Thailand and this family!  I'm just not accustomed to being by myself so much yet.


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