Tuesday, 31 January 2012

The Next Julia Child?

Out of all the things in life the one thing I fear the most is cooking.
For two reasons;  1. I usually hate it and 2.  Nothing I make ever seems to turn out.
The only time that I enjoy cooking is when I'm listening to music or have a cooking partner.  Since my cooking partner Cole is not here I had to resort to music.  So if any male is reading this and contemplating marrying me, I'm giving you a fair warning that all cooking duties would be shared!!! :P
So feeling extra brave today I decided to test my luck and try cook dinner for the family.  And when I say family I mean Mon, Bow, Taiten, Sa, her parents, momma, and me.  I made dumplings filled with carrots, celery, corn,onion, peas, chicken, and mushroom soup.

I also made campfire styled potatoes made with onions, pepper, parsley, and cheddar cheese.  When they got home I showed them the surprise.  I was just expecting them to try it, but was flabbergasted when everyone came back for seconds.  "Aroi! Aroi!" they kept saying, which means delicious, while smiling and giving me the thumbs up.  And for a late night snack I made everyone popcorn.
If I didn't have their approval before I sure do now! :)

Monday, 30 January 2012

To Eat or Not to Eat

Taiten came home from the hospital today and after a total of six IV's is 100% back to normal.  
So the number one question people asked me when I first arrived in Thailand was "How is the food?"  The majority of people believe Thai food is spicy, foreign, and strange.  I will admit that was my assumption before I came down here.  That statement is somewhat true, but don't worry you can find all western style foods down here as well.  Each week I'm going to try post a blog showcasing some of Thailand's strange and unique food.  
<This fruit is called a Mangosteens.  You eat only the white pieces inside, which taste like a starburst candy.  We have to buy bags full of these since they get eaten so fast in this family.
Like back home chicken and pork are very popular.  Unlike back home absolutely nothing is wasted.  People down here enjoy eating everything! Intestines, guts, and even feet of animals such as chicken and pigs. 

Sunday, 29 January 2012


An update on Taiten.  The doctor wants him to stay in the hospital for another night since the color in his face hasn't improved.  He is on his fifth IV now and is no longer getting sick to his stomach.
So out of all the things that I knew I would have to face when I came to Thailand, such as the different food, culture, and weather I never considered lack of human contact.  I never thought I would say this, but I'm craving for human interaction.  For the last few weeks I have been by myself most of the time.  Mon and Taiten have been going to the village leaving me behind, scared that I will be bored there.  They usually don't get back home until eight o'clock at night after they pick Bow up from taekwondo.  Sa usually comes home from school in between classes but always goes straight to her room, only coming out to eat.  When someone is home and not with closed within their room I make a point to hunt them down and try strike up a conversation.  Most times the conversation is just me talking but it just feels good to have someone to sit with.  I eat almost all my meals alone which I'm not used to, but whenever I can I try to eat with the family.  Don't get me wrong I love Thailand and this family!  I'm just not accustomed to being by myself so much yet.


Saturday, 28 January 2012

One Month

January 28th marks exactly one month of me being away from home.  Time is sure going by fast!!  I have seen, experienced, and enjoyed so many incredible things already.  I am so grateful for those who have generously welcomed me into their homes, culture, and family.  I am amazed at the culture and how vastly different it is from the one which I grew up with.  Thats what I enjoy so immensely about traveling.  Being about to experience first hand this completely different society.  If I could travel all my life I would!  The difference between living in a foreign country and vacationing in one is how much richer of an experience you get.

 I am proud to say that I have been able to travel to 3 of the 5 continents all before the age of nineteen.  I have an amazing family who supports and encourages my decision to go galavanting all over the world.  I also have a wonderful and diverse group of friends who both despise and love me all at the same time.  (Well at least I hope they love me :P)  I love being able to show and tell everyone about all the amazing experiences that I've been so fortunate to have had.  I love waking up in the morning wondering what new and exciting adventure I will have.  It doesn't feel like I have been away for a month at all and I'm no where near ready to come home yet!! :)    


Taiten has been very sick lately.  This started about a week ago in Pitsanulok when Taiten got a cold.  During the time that he has been sick he has hardly eaten anything.  Yesterday Taiten told us that he had a really sore stomach, which Mon believed to be from the lack of food.  We tried to talk him into eating, to see if that would help, but he refused to eat anything except a pomegranate and a piece of bread.  A few days ago Mon wanted to take him to see the doctor but Taiten wouldn't go.  He is a very stubborn child when he wants to be.    

Today Mon told me that Taiten was up all night sick to his stomach and she wanted to take him to the hospital with or without Taiten's blessing.  We went to go see his doctor but Mon forgot that he was away for the next two weeks.  Next she went to take him to another clinic but they didn't open for another hour.  She was planning on going back but just then Taiten started getting sick to his stomach again.  We decided it would be best to take him to the hospital.  There they told us that he would need to stay over night so that they could monitor his condition.  They took some blood to test and have him hooked up to an IV.  Mon is going to stay over night with him at the Hospital while I stay home with Bow.  We are hoping for a fast and speedy recovery.    

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Being a Monk

So why would someone want to become a monk?  Especially when you have to follow 227 rules.
A few being....
They are not allowed to touch a woman or else they can't eat for a week.  They are also not allowed to have a conversation with a woman without the presence of another male.
They can't masturbate.
They have to wear the same clothes day after day.
They are not allowed to drink alcohol.
They are not allowed to swim in water for pleasure.
They can not tickle other monks.  (That one made me laugh!)
And they must meditate for at least three hours a day.

So why would someone want to give up the warmth of a woman, or the luxury of swimming.
It's considered a merit to the family for their son to become a monk for a certain period of time.  It is up to the monk to decide how long they want to continue with this kind of lifestyle.  Even if that means one day, a month, a year, or till they die.
They get everything payed for from donations.  People who are Buddhist, which is 95% of the population, believe it is good luck for their family and them to give money to monks.
Modern day society allows for monks to use computers, watch TV, and even smoke.
They even have a place to stay, which is at the temple.
I have even heard of monks owning cars and being able to travel.  I should know since getting onto the plane from Hong Kong to Bangkok a monk was standing right in front of me. 

So for all the rules that they must follow there are benefits to their lifestyle.   


Monday, 23 January 2012

Ordainment Ceremony of a Monk

This weekend we headed out to Pichit for a monk ordainment ceremony for a family member.  Before heading out I noticed that Suka's (the family dog) nose was bleeding.  Suka and the next door neighbours dog had a fight and Suka got the crap beat out of him.  The bottom part of Suka's nose is entirely missing.   Mon asked me to drive the hour and a half to Phitsanulok which I was more than happy to do.  It was the nine of us (a few joined us from the village) in one vehicle, which was a bit squishy even with a few in the back of the truck.  I did pretty good for a white girl with all those crazy Thai drivers.  We showed up at the venue just as things where getting into full swing.  That was until it started pissing down pebbles.The whole venue completely flooded forcing everyone to cram onto a small raised section of cement. 

Tables were set up and food was brought out for everyone.  It was incredible how much food there was this weekend.  There had to be about 100 people and we were fed dinner for two nights, and breakfast and lunch for one. After the feast it was time to shave the soon-to-be-monk's hair.  He first starts off by doing a little chant and pouring water on the elders hands and feet.  After each member of the family cuts off a piece of hair they begin to shave the rest.  They shave any facial hair even the eyebrows!  Like every good family gathering one member of the family has to come to the celebration drunk. 
 Mon, Bow, and I took off shortly afterwards to go meet up with Mon's best friend Nan and her husband Gus. We will be spending the night with them while the rest of the group will be spending the night with other family members.  They currently live in Australia with their two daughters but have a house in Thailand so that during the holidays Nan can come back and visit her family.  We spent the rest of the evening at the market and relaxing at Nan and Gus's place.  
The market literally has everything that you can possibly eat.  There are rows and rows of tables filled with everything from fruit and vegetables to chicken and pork.  There is even chicken and pig intestines, crickets, and frogs all ready to be purchased.
The next morning was rather early, actually way to early.  We had to be up and ready to go to the venue at seven thirty the next morning.  Once there we ate breakfast which was accompanied with a bottle of whisky.  People were already drunk at that time and the morning was still young.  Apparently the party had started at three o'clock that morning.

One o'clock rolled around which meant it was time to head to the temple.  Mostly the intoxicated people danced or walked all the way to the temple following behind the traveling band and the monk.  The others, mostly those who were sober, drove to the temple ahead of the others.  After an hour or so waiting they all finally showed up.  Next everyone walked around the temple three times.  This took about thirty minutes even though it wasn't a very big area to walk around.  I had people take pictures with me and tried to get me to dance with them.  I even had someone ask me for my number which was received with a flat out "NO!"
Once everyone had finished walking around the temple the monk threw flowers into the crowd which contained money and are for good luck.  Then two of the elder monks came and took him and his family inside the temple to do their ritual and dress the monk in his new clothes.  He will go home for one more night to spend with his family before going back to the temple where he will stay during the duration of his time as a monk.  

Money is given to the monk for good luck for the giver and their family.  We then went back to the venue where we yet again had more food.  We decided to stay another two nights in Pichit to spend with the family.  Mon grew up here and only gets to visit with Nan and her family one month a year.  

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Strangers in the Pool

Unknown Bug
For those of you who are braving the -40 degree weather, I feel for ya.  I have traded in the -40 for +30, snow for swimming pool, and dull skies for ones only filled with sun.  Today was a pretty relaxing day but living in a foreign country never has dull moments.  No I don't mean watching the cat attack the broom or helping Mon and Sa pick ticks off the dogs.  I mean stumbling across creepy crawlers and gigantic frogs.  While Mon was cleaning the pool this morning she stumbled upon this guy  ^ which looks like it could be related to scorpions.  When she got home from picking Bow up from taekwondo she found a frog in the pool just hanging out.  Mon grabbed a bucket and fished it out but it managed to escape.  The frog had jumped out of the bucket but Mon didn't want to touch it.  As I picked it up she went to grad something to cover the container but the toad knocked that off without us holding it down.  Mon was to freaked out to take the container so she asked me if I would drop the frog off as far away as possible.      
Palong Frog

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

The Village

Today when Mon asked me if I wanted to go to the village I hesitated.  Not going to lie, it can get boring sitting with a bunch of people, who you have no idea what they are saying.  But I came to the conclusion I should go, and I'm glad I did.  (I took a book and my Iphone just in case)
At the village family and friends came together to talk with the priest about the marrying of Sa and her boyfriend.  At first I sat outside and watched, letting them do the formal business.  As the food was being brought out Sa's boyfriend came and got me, demanding I come and sit with them.  His argument for not letting me say no, "You are my friend!"
At first I was rather uncomfortable.  If you notice in the picture ^ I'm the only female sitting in the circle.  The women sat off to the side and catered to the men as they ate, only eating after the men were done.  I was going to move until I was instructed to eat by one of Sa's boyfriend's friends (two to the right of me in the picture above)  I ate a few things but was afraid to touch a lot since it was traditional thai food, meaning foreign and spicy.  Sa's boyfriend's friend was actually pretty good at speaking english and tried to include me as much as possible.  After the men had left it was the ladies turn.
The evening was very pleasant.  I didn't understand a lot of the conversation but I was told a lot was circulated around me.  Everyone was very kind and welcoming to me.  Most people talked to me even though I had no idea what they where saying!  I was even cheered and laughed at (in praise) when I spoke Thai.  You would have thought my name was   สวย   which means beautiful, since thats what people keep referring to me as.  I feel like part of the family and I'm excited for my next visit! :)

P.S.  Didn't even need to pull out the book or Iphone

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Serene Surroundings

This evening after dropping Bow off at Taekwondo Mon, Taiten, and I went to the river.  While Mon got a massage, Taiten glued to her side, I went and found a nice quiet spot to read.  It was so peaceful and serene sitting under palm trees, soaking my feet, and watching the sun set.  Taitan finally detached from Mon's side and came to visit me.  We decided to go get ice cream and walk along the river side feeding the fish as we went.  Not with our ice cream of course but with fish food we purchased.  I definitely will visit the river again to enjoy the sunsets and its relaxing nature.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Just Another Day In Paradise

Today was an eventful day.  We started it off by going to the Kamphaeng Phet Historical Park to look at the ruins.  They are absolutely amazing!  Unfortunately Mon only stopped at the Wat Chang Rob and drove through the rest of the park.  I will have to go back another time and walk around and get more pictures.  
Wat Chong Rob
After the Historical Park we went to the Kamphaeng Phet Hot Springs where we got some nice photos and putted around in a paddle boat.  Unfortunately I made the mistake of letting Bow steer the boat, which she guided right under the water fountain, and ended up getting soaked. 
So after walking around the park (trying to dry off) and having a bowl of soup, which I successfully ate with chopsticks, we went to another park by the river.  There we painted clay sculptures.  Some of us painted them with a brush while others decided to use their hands.  You would have thought that four year old Taiten would be the one using his hands to paint, not eleven year old Bow.  
After painting and Bow had washed her hands, we went to Big C, which is the equivalent to Walmart back home, to do some grocery shopping.  Once we were back at the house Taiten, Bow, and I went swimming and then worked on some english together.  While I helped them with their english they helped me with my Thai.  

My vocabulary has increased significantly!  I'm actually quite proud of how much I have been able to retain in such a short period of time.  And with the amount of words that I have learned I'm starting to understand them when they talk.  Now they can't talk bad about me while I'm around :P 

Friday, 13 January 2012

Being the Only Glass of Milk Surrounded by Oreos

Today we went to the Village to clean out Mamma's place for the wedding.  Yup.. Thats right.  A wedding!  So let me back track a moment here. Sa, who is Mon's niece, and her boyfriend have decided to tie the knot at the end of February.  Which means I get to see a Thai wedding while I'm here!
After a couple hours of cleaning we went to watch the soccer games that were happening a block away.  The second game we watched actually included some professional Thai soccer players.
My pastiness  

The professional soccer players sure got a lot of buzz, but I was giving them a run for their money!  I was the only white person there and I mean literally!  I was very uncomfortable with the amount of attention that I received.  In Thailand they are not at all subtle about staring.  It's not only children but adults as well.  I had people point, laugh, and whisper about me.  I had kids stop right in front of me practically blocking my vision.  And they would remain there for a good thirty seconds to a minute.  I even had people informing others of my presence resulting in even more stares!  After the game while we were walking back to Mamma's place and I had a women shouting to everyone about me.  She was pointing and laughing while getting everyone else's attention.  I have never felt so uncomfortable and downgraded in my life.  I have to say it was hard to have that kinda attention all day but I continued to hold my head up high and have confidence in myself.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Thailand's Floods

As most of you know Thailand was flooded from July to December.  Out of 76 provinces 56 of them where affected.  The Dam we went to see in Tak was part of the reason the flooding in Bangkok was so severe.  Since the water level was increasing beyond the Dam's capacity they had to release more water than usual to make sure that it didn't overflow.  During our visit to Chiang Mai we drove to SanKampaeng which is about thirty minutes out of town.  Along the way we passed fields that were still affected by the floods.  Other than a few fields and the road conditions, everything looks like it's pretty much back to normal.  This is just from what I have seen with the naked eye.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012


Mike, Mon, and Taiten went out the other morning to go do some shopping.  Just as they where pulling out of the driveway they spotted a kitten laying in the middle of the road and a vehicle pulling away.  They decided to pick it up since it had clearly been abandoned.  They took it to the vet to get its shots and some eye drops, since the right eye was in pretty rough shape.  The name Lucky was chosen since she most likely wouldn't have survived if they had left her there.  Mike wasn't so lucky though when he got bit while pushing her from her food to her water bowl.

Monday, 9 January 2012

Catch Me If You Can

Dogs, ants, and huge ass wasps are all considered pests here in Thailand.  But gecko's are considered friends.  Not only are they cute but they eat any unwanted bugs that might be lingering in the house.  I walked into my room to find one chill-laxing on my wall.  For the heck of it I decided to see if I was able to catch it, and succeeded.  Unfortunately we had a slight mishap... His tail fell off, but continued to squirm for almost two minutes after the fact.  Im not saying it was all his fault.  Im pretty sure it was 50/50 on both our parts.  I released him back outside where hopefully his tail will regenerate and he will live a swell life.

Sugar Cane

Sugar Cane
Tractor/Truck like Machine
We made a trip out to the sugar cane fields the other day.  The amount of work that is required to prepare and harvest a crop is extensive and is almost all done by hand.  A crop is able to be harvested once a year, and can last up to three years before needing to be replanted.  Before cutting down the sugar cane the crops are burnt to make the process easier.
 After all the sugar cane is cut down with a machete, it is hauled on a tractor/truck like machine.  Any left over, unused, pieces of sugar cane must be picked up and tied into bundles so that a bigger machine can come and pick them up.  Sugar cane leaves can be left on the field since they are biodegradable and a good source of nutrients for the soil.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Unwanted Visiter

We were all sitting having lunch one day when this
<---- flew into the house.
The Thai call this wasp the "Thua Thor" which is usually between 1 and 1 and a 1/2 inches.  Their sting is absolutely fatal to children and elders.  Adults may find their sting fatal after being stung several times.
We just left it alone, and eventually it flew away.


Friday, 6 January 2012

Family Initiation

All families somehow have the obligation to make fun or play pranks on one another.  This may be once during their lifetime or everyday.  Bow was the first one to welcome me into the family with a joke.  She walked into the kitchen with a container of peanuts and told me to try one.  They happened to be wasabi coated peanuts.  Holy tits those things are spicy! :P

While we were out eating at a restaurant in Chiang Mai, Mike told me to try a piece of this dark meat.  I took a small bite and instantly hated the texture and taste.  As I was struggling to swallow the damn thing Mike says "So what do you think of coagulated blood?"  They all sure got a good chuckle out of that one.

As we were driving back from Chiang Mai heading towards the Dam in Tak, Mike pulled over to the side of the road and said "Ok Sharyse.  Time to see how you drive!"  About two minutes in we hit a police road block.  I got lucky and was waved through.  Then another thirty minutes in I hit another friggen road block!!!  I was again super lucky and got waved through but both times Mon had a 100 baht ready to try talk the police officer out of a ticket if needed.  I was scared shitless and all the family could do was laugh.  But of course while Mike was driving to Chiang Mai and back from the Dam he didn't hit a single road block!

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Chiang Mai

Taiten's new friend
Wat Phra That Doi Suthep 
For the past four days I have been spending time with the Family in Chiang Mai.  We arrived in the late evening and decided to venture down to the night bazaar.  It's a huge market which stretches over several blocks.  Here you can find everything from clothes and food, to entertainment.

The following day we went to Wat Phra That Doi Suthep which is a Buddhist temple.  Its famous for being one of the highest temples above sea level and is said to host a bone of Buddha himself.

After visiting the Wat we went up to the San Kampaeng Hot Springs.  These man made springs are about 100 degrees celsius, and are perfect for boiling eggs.  

Cuddling a Tiger
The next day Momma (Grandma), Taiten, Bow, and I traveled around Chiang Mai in a tuk tuk.  We first went and visited the Tiger Kingdom where we got to pet and cuddle with tigers.   You were given the option of going in a cage with small (baby), medium, or big tigers.  Due to Taiten's age (4) he was only allowed to go in with the small tigers since he could have been sought after as dinner.  It was a wise decision since even when we were walking around looking at the other tigers, the other tigers where looking at Taiten.  They were literally chasing him, jumping up at the walls of their cages, and staring him down.  After we went to a snake farm where I was graciously given the opportunity to kiss an Anaconda.  Our final destination was a monkey training school.  After watching a splendid performance where a monkey rode a bike, did backflips, and played basketball, we all got a picture with the brilliant actor.  Seriously never ever under estimate how smart these animals can be!  After such an eventful day we went back to the hotel and relaxed by the pool.
Kissing an Anaconda

Sunday, 1 January 2012

The Beauty of Mother Nature

I started off the morning by going to the village where the rest of Mon's family lives.  There I was introduced and watched them butcher a pig.  As disturbing as it sounds it was actually very intriguing to watch.

Everyone, and I mean everyone! is very interested in me.  Since I have been here I have had people point, stare, and take pictures of me.  Even if I do get darker, being a Ginger ain't helping my case.
Khlong Nam Lai Waterfall

The rest of the day was spent with the family at the water falls.  The first of the two which we went to was called the Khlong Nam Lai Waterfall.  It is a nine level water fall that flows all year round.  
The second that we went to was the Khlong Lan Waterfall, which is a 100 meters tall and 40 meters wide. 
Khlong Lan Waterfall