Sunday 11 March 2012

Thursday and Friday

Again I attended Chinese class with Julia.  In class we worked on our speeches which we have to perform Monday in front of the class.  I am even going to do one! :)  So far I have;  My name is Sharyse.  I am from Canada.  I have red hair.  I can speak a little bit of Thai.  I love Tiawan.
Julia had a rotary meeting at lunch which I was invited to attend.  We mostly spent three hours with a bunch of very wealthy men, eating expensive food, and listening to a very boring presentation in Chinese.  It almost put me to sleep.  We also sang "rotary songs" and did some head and hand exercises.  Don't ask!
After the meeting we walked to the school and met up with Lucie and Elycia.  We went back to Gonguan night market to the movie theatre.  It cost us under five dollars to get in to the theatre and only two dollars for a medium size drink and popcorn.  When you leave the theatre you get a stamp on your hand which allows you to come back in.  You are even allowed to bring food in from outside the theatre and can watch all six movies, without paying again, if you wish.
Friday, the day before Saturday and the day after Thursday, I went to Taipei's parliament block.  The buildings are European style and were built before World War II.  At least That's what this random guy told me.  After giving me a brief history of the block he asked if I had a cellphone and that if I had any questions about Taipei to feel free to call him.  I politely turned him down telling him that I didn't have a cellphone (which was the truth).
I met up with Julie and Lucie after school and the three of us went to Chiangkai-shek Memorial Hall. Unfortunately just as we were walking up the steps though to the hall, the doors closed.  Even though we didn't get to see the inside of the hall, as it was national women's day a few bands and the Taiwan military were at the sight performing.
We had no idea what to do for the rest of the evening so we tried to contact some people to hang out with.  The only one we got a hold of who could come hang out was Oscar, who is from Poland. Stumped as to what the four of us should do Oscar became courageous and went up to some random white guy and asked him what there was to do around that area.  Before he asked that though he asked how old the guy was.  The guy had a good sense of humour and laughed while telling Oscar "that's a creepy question.  Want to know were I live as while?"  After walking around for a bit we ended up at McDonald's.  We just happened to sit beside a group of guys who were playing cards.  Julia asked them if she could show them her card trick which surprisingly she didn't screw up.  Lucie also spotted a girl doing French homework and offered to help.  The two traded numbers and planned to get in touch with one another whenever needed.

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