Saturday 10 March 2012

Gonguan Night Market

We got to sleep in until six today!  Usually Julia and I have to be up at 5:30 to get ready.  I haven't mentioned this yet, but I'm living with an old fashioned Taiwanese family.  In total there is fifteen of us in a four story building.  The aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents are all sharing the house together.  On the floor Julia and I are on we have one bathroom for six of us.  Everyone but Julia and I have a shower the night before but it is still a fight for the bathroom in the morning. 
While Julia and Lucie went to school I went back to the house to have a nap.  At lunch time I brought the girls McDonalds at school, since they aren't allowed to leave.  We had to eat right at the gate since I wasn't even allowed in.  For the rest of the afternoon I walked around and went to Longshan Temple. While walking I saw a wedding, two Chinese men get into a verbal fight about their bag of birds, and a scooter crash which was scary.  I also walked down the historical block of Taipei.  
At four I met up with Julia and Elycia and the three of us went to Gonguan Market.  There we did some major bargain shopping.  Elycia got two pairs of shoes for less than five hundred, regular eight. We ate dinner and met some incredible people.  In one store we meet a Russian who was a former Mafia member.  We sat and chatted with him and his girlfriend for about an hour and a half.  He even taught us some Russian.  
Before we went home Elycia took us to an art studio where she had good friends.  The owners knew very good english and since Elycia's stay in Taiwan the three of them had become very close.  The place was very quaint and all the staff was very friendly.  One guy didn't know very much english and when he saw how stumped we were when he said his Chinese name he just told us to call him Mr.Right.  He was the jokester of the group.  Before we left they gave us carrot cake which was absolutely delicious!

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