Wednesday 21 March 2012

Buddha's Room

Buddha's room is done!  Well all but a quick paint job.  That means I won't get to see Jad as much.  (He is working on the fence behind the house)  Haha no, that is not just a made up name.  After two days of Bow constantly repeating the sentence "What is your name?" in Thai to me, I finally memorized it.  I even asked to get a picture of him and one of the other workers.  This picture doesn't do him justice since I think he looks ten times better when he is smiling.  If you couldn't tell which guy I'm talking about, he is the young guy on the right, you sicko's. :P
Another benefit of being a tourist: taking pictures of people.  
One thing I have noticed about Thai people is they are more than willing to help out.  (Keep this in mine though, some are very greedy and all about the money.)While the guys were here doing the Buddha room they were like an additional part of the family.  They helped Mon out by bringing in the water jugs for the cooler.  They entertained and played with Taiten, helped Bow pack out the recycling, and mostly just made fun of me.  Especially Jad.
The kids have been wanting me to teach them how to whistle so that when Mike comes home they can be 10x's more annoying.  Your welcome Mike! :)  While we were practicing Jad mocked us from the other room by whistling back.  He continued to do so the rest of the day.  Each day I teach Bow english for two hours and she teaches me Thai for an hour.  I was practicing how to say I am 18 years old and was having difficulty with the pronunciation.  As I was desperately trying to say the sentence correctly Jad walked by the kitchen window and said it for me.  When I looked back all he could do was smile and laugh at me.  So much for charming him with my Thai I guess :P
So other than Mike coming home to a finished Buddha room and extra annoying kids, he is also coming back to less of a dog.  Mon and I shaved Suka!  He has been taking refuge in the house away from the heat and leaving ticks behind.  I told Mon that I thought it would be best if we just cut off all his hair.  So thats exactly what we did.

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