Sunday 18 March 2012

School Holidays

This is going to be a very short blog since I can sum up today in three words.  Pool.  Games.  Exhausted. Right now Bow is currently on summer holidays which means I get to spend more time with the kids.  Today I did exactly that!  The morning started off with Mon and I doing some errands while the kids stayed at home with Grandma.  We went to the school and got Taiten registered for classes, and went to the market to get some vegetables.  One of the ladies at the market asked Mon if I was her daughter.  Mon explained this to me and told me this was bad luck for her.  "She thinks I'm that old?" Mon said.  "I just want to go kill her."  I laughed so hard at the way she said that!  Once we got back home Mon dropped me off, and her and Mama went to the hospital in the Village.  Mama was complaining about having a sore neck so Mon took her out there to get some medication.  While the two of them did that I stayed home and played with the kids.  We played in the pool for four hours!  When we finally got out we worked on english, and then played some card games.  At the end of the day I was so beat!
Mon has to go back out to the Village tomorrow for Mama.  I would have gone but I volunteered to stay home since we have people coming to work on the buddha room.  Partly the reason why I volunteered to stay behind is because there is a really cute young worker.  Ok.  Truthfully, thats 100% why I volunteered.  And I have to work on homework :P  Mon had a good laugh when I explained my enthusiasm for staying home.  Hopefully she will put in a good word for me tomorrow. :P  And if not I can use what little Thai I know to charm him.  Bow says I'm cute when I speak Thai so I don't think he will stand much of a chance.

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