Sunday 25 March 2012


So yesterday Jad and one other worker came to the house to finish up the Buddha room.  Jad more or less just tagged along since all he did was sit outside and watch the kids and I help Mon clean the pool.  He did however played catch with Taiten and I.  While I guess you can't really call it catch since Taiten just threw the ball in the pool to laugh at Jad or I struggling to get it.  I guess I am just going to be spending a lot of time peering over the fence to see him. :P
Today we spent another wonderful day out at the village.  I kept to my word and took a picture of the houses that they are currently building out there.  Today I had fun talking with the villagers.  I have improved my Thai a considerable amount since I have gotten back from Taiwan and am able to somewhat hold a conversation.  I mostly need to be the only one talking since when they talk back to me I have no friggen idea what they are saying.  Some of the villagers are really good and usually just talk in one word sentences or simplified terms.
The greatest feeling for me is to say something in Thai and have people actually understand it.  The other day Bow and I went to go get noodles and I am proud to say I ordered all by myself. :)  I absolutely love talking, which anyone who knows me knows, and feel a great sense of accomplishment when I am able to talk to the locals.  I also got asked by one of the ladies if I would paint her nails next time I was out there.   I delightfully accepted.    
While we were at the market today a lady called me beautiful.  When I turned around and said thank you she at first looked completely shocked that I understood her.  When she finally snapped out of it all she could do was smile and laugh.  During the time that I was at the market I made numerous children run into people, one woman trip, and another walk into a pole.  I'm apparently so beautiful its dangerous.       


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