Since you are not here to celebrate your birthday with the family, we celebrated it without you. We went out and bought you a cake. Unfortunately it looked so good we decided to eat it. Don't worry you didn't miss out on much though. It literally tasted like wax.
Warning: Do not buy cake from K&S in Thailand.
How to describe today....
1. Painful. Very very painful

2. Lazy

First thing this morning I had my first thai massage. I was rather excited about it and was thrilled to have two hours of nice relaxation. It wasn't until it started that I realized I was actually in for two hours of excruciating pain. I had my toes and fingers yanked on until they cracked. I was stretched beyond my normal capacity. The majority of the time she used her bones to massage mine. Not going to lie, its not the greatest feeling. I think the most enjoyable part of the massage was when she stepped on me and massaged my eyeballs. Haha yup, she actually massaged my eyes. Don't get me wrong, she is a really good masseuse! I just had a different perspective about what the massage would be like. It wasn't until Mon got back home that she told me I could have choosen the kind of massage I wanted. I was under the impression there was only one kind from previous observation. Hell, the pain was totally worth it for the experience.
^This picture perfectly described me during my massage. I got the exact same one Mon did, and she gets this done regularly.
Even though the cake may have tasted like wax, it looks like all of you are having fun teasing Mike. I'm sure that you put them up to that, my nasty child.