Thursday 15 March 2012

Back Home (Thailand)

From Bangkok I took a taxi to Pattaya.  The first taxi driver I had took me to another taxi company where I switched drivers.  That wasn't before he asked me for the money though.  When I switched taxi drivers I asked if the first one had given the money to the second one.  I again clarified this with both of them before taking off.  Later on in the taxi ride though the current taxi driver asked me for a hundred baht for the toll both.  I told him that he had confirmed that the previous guy had given him all the money even for the toll booth.  He told me that he was given five hundred, and that he apparently misunderstood what I was saying.  He phoned his boss and told him what happened and they got everything all figured out.  I felt bad for the guy but I'm happy that I didn't have to pay him anymore.  Lesson to be learned from my mistake: you should never pay the taxi driver until you have reached your destination.
When I was finally reunited with Mon and Taiten in Pattaya I found out that while I was away that Wrinkles passed away.  You would have thought that he would have learned from his brother's mistake but unfortunately while playing on the road he was run over.
This is the after photo.  I forgot to take a before photo, but just imagine there was no counter space and floor  was super dirty!
While I was gone the house got hit by a nuclear missile.  At least thats what it looked like.  I spent four hours just cleaning the kitchen the day after I got back while Mon, Mama, Sa, and the kids were out shopping.  Of course it didn't take long till the house was messy again once everyone got back home.  
Later on in the afternoon Mon looked like she was ready to punch a wall and pull out her own hair.  I asked her what was the matter to which she responded "I wish the kids would help out more around the house and do what I told them too."  So to help Mon out I made Taiten and Bow work jars.  I printed off a calendar and gave them specific chores on certain days.  Bow has to sweep the floor on Tuesday, wash the dishes on Thursday, and mop on Saturday.  Taiten must pick up his toys on Monday and Wednesday and remember to say please and thank you.  If the kids do what they are told and help out around the house they get a check mark for the day.  At the end of the month we add up their check marks and give them money so that they can save up for something they would like to buy.  I told Bow about the "work jar" and she absolutely loved it.  She went and explained it to Mon and she loved the concept as well.  So far it has been working fantastic!  Today even though neither of them had assigned chores they asked me how they could help out around the house.  Taiten picked up all the shoes and put them away, while Bow swept .
For english Taiten, Bow, and I played a matching game.  I made flash cards which Taiten had to tape to the matching object.  We did colors, human body parts, and household objects.  Bow spelt the words thEn helped her brother match them.  Once they were done doing that Taiten said he wanted to play more.  I kept making cards until Taiten finally got tired which was two hours later.  I didn't realize his full enthusiasm for the game until Mon walked into the kitchen sporting the flash cards "shirt" and "mom." We all got a good laugh out of that.
Taiten has a commitment problem when it comes to clothes. :P
Bow and I had been trying to find marshmallows to roast in Kamphaeng Phet but had no luck finding any.  While I was in Taiwan I bought some to bring back for the family.  After we roasted the marshmallows we dipped them in melted chocolate.  They absolutely loved it!!  Mon even liked them :)

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