Thursday 24 May 2012

Home Sick

After Andrea left I went home and cleaned up my room a bit.  By that I mean I packed my small suitcase with the clothes I'm to scared to wear incase they get wrecked and souvenirs I have gotten.  During the time that I was packing I started to think of home.  I have occasionally thought of home.  How exciting it will be to see everyone again, share my stories, and enjoy a cheeseburger!  But never have I thought of going home early, until today.  Out of the blue the thought occurred to me.  My stomach tied itself in a knot and I got butterflies.  I than mentally categorized reasons why and why not I should go home early.  Than I began planning how I would go about going home early.  I kept talking myself out of it and than back in but I consciously kept begging to find a reason to go home.
Thank goodness my parents came on skype were I talked things through with them.  My parents both liked the sound of me coming home early and my dad even started mentioning things we could do when I got back.  The next three hours I skyped with them was a mixture of confused moments.  Again the talking myself in and out of options and a lot of crying.  
Once I had settled down and felt a bit better I skyped with my best friend Cole.  But the feeling of homesickness once again hit me while talking to him.  I am very fortunate to have such amazing people in my life who love and miss me and are there to support me through the rough times even if I am half way around the world.  
So after five hours of skyping and endless amounts of emotions I was just as confused as what to do.

My reasons for staying
-going to vietnam
   (which might be an experience I will never get again)

My reasons for leaving
-seeing my family, friends
-If I continue to be homesick I won't enjoy myself

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