Wednesday 11 April 2012

Troublesome Taiten

When you look into those big eyes you can't help but melt.  While, that's true for the times when he is well behaved, Taiten can be a charmer but he has his moments of terrorism.  On this particular day Taiten wanted to have things his way and lets just say I wasn't going to let him.
Getting Taiten to do english is like getting a porcupine to do tricks.  Painful!  I'm blessed to have extraordinary patience and determination.  Doing the flash card game with Taiten worked wonderfully.  He was entertained and would do it for hours.  It was the getting him to sit down at the table and try writing that was the problem.  He has a very small attention span and likes to do what he wants to do.
Step1: Got Taiten to sit down.
Step 2: Got him to write three letters.
At this time he decided he was thirsty so he asked Bow to help him get a drink of water.  Then he came back and sat down only to be distracted by every single thing that happened in the house.  About two minutes later he got up and started to walk off to Mon's room.  I told him he wasn't finished and needed to do five more minutes, after which he could do whatever he wanted.  He continued to slowly walk away even though I politely informed him he still had five minutes to do.  I told him I would count down to five and if he didn't come back to the table I would go and get him.
And this is how I spent my next hour.  I would politely ask Taiten to come back to the table, he would wander off to someone's room to watch TV, I would count down from five, and at zero I would go get him.
The first time Taiten tried to hide in Mon's room.  He slammed the door in my face and locked it.  When Mon opened the door I found Taiten glued to the TV.  I again informed him he needed to do five more minutes of english and that the sooner he did it the sooner he could watch TV.  Since he gave me no respond I unplugged the TV on him.  This made him upset, and the waterworks began.  I again informed him that he needed to do five minutes of english and that he could either come voluntarily or I would carry him.  So I carried him out to the kitchen where again he took off.  This time to Mama who was in Bow's room watching TV.  Again I counted to five and again had the door slammed in my face.  This time though I was quicker than he was and caught the door before he could lock it.  He ran and hid by Mama who picked up what was going on rather quickly.  Yet again I had to unplug the TV on Taiten and explain over and over that all he had to do was five minutes of english with me and I would let him go.  But until then I would continue to do this no matter how long or hard he cried. To my surprise Mama was on my side.  When I forcefully picked up Taiten and took him out to the kitchen Mama followed and even grabbed Taiten when he tried to escape.  I continued to repeat that he needed to do five minutes with me and then he could go free.
Mama told me, after Taiten still continued to cry, that I should let him go and do english with him tomorrow.  I said no and told her he had to do english with me today and that just because he was crying didn't mean he was going to get his way.  I explained to the whole family that I wouldn't let him go just because he was crying since that encourages him to perform the same behaviour next time he doesn't get his way.  An hour and a half later Taiten sat down and not only did five more minutes of english but 10.  When I told him he was finished he was bewildered that time had gone by so fast.  I asked him was it worth all that crying to which he replied no.  Ever since, all I have to do is mention time for english and he goes straight to the table and sits down.  He doesn't complain and only leaves the table when I tell him he can.  I have to say, not to shabby on my part considering I didn't raise my voice once and continued to be persistent.  And I'm happy to say my persistence paid off.  Taiten treats me with a lot more respect and understands I don't mess around.

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