Friday 23 December 2011

Departure Date Approaching

Only four days left until I go on the adventure of a life time.  For those of you who do not know why I am going to Thailand I have graciously been given the opportunity to travel to teach English.  I will be gone for four months (unless I choose to stay longer).  I will be leaving on Dec 28 from Vancouver airport at 13:35 and will have a 3 hour layover in Hong Kong.  I will arrive in Bangkok at 00:20 on Dec the 30 after a 15 hour time difference.  I will be living in a town called Kamphaeng Phet which has a population of approximately 30,114 people.  To put this number into prospective, thats three times the number of people that live within the city limits of Williams Lake.  Like many of you I know little to nothing about Thailand, but have learned a few things while reading through my guide book, and will continue to learn during my stay.  One interesting fact I learned was that Thais regard the head as the most sacred part of the body while the feet are considered vulgar.  You should never show the soles of your feet or use them to point at anything.

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